Scaling the Voices, by Roger Dean and Hazel Smith *
four-channel audio*. The piece is composed in quad (Wav file, four discrete channels), so adjust your system, and
wait for the large file to preload!
Here is info on multichannel audio in the browser: not all browsers will play it (correctly).
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition/sound performance) | 2016.
Scaling the Voices, by Roger Dean and Hazel Smith *Stereo Mix of original four-channel audio (which is above) *. (Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition/sound performance) | 2016.
Bird Migrants (2014) by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean. A text and sound work commissioned by the ABC Radio National for SoundProof. | 2014.
Disappearing (2012) by Hazel Smith, Roger Dean and Greg White. | 2012.
Speak Far and Wide, by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean *
four-channel audio*. The piece is composed in quad (Wav file, four discrete channels), so adjust your system, and
wait for the large file to preload!
Here is info on multichannel audio in the browser.
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition/sound performance; published originally in HyperRhiz and Drunken Boat) | 2009.
Speak Far and Wide, by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean *Stereo Mix of original four-channel audio (which is above) *. (Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition/sound performance) | 2009.
Ubasuteyama (2008) by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean (from a Wirripang CD). Features keyboard sounds, using a family of novel microtonal scales created by Dean (presented in the Journal Leonardo 2009, and released on the Scala website of scale tunings 2008). In addition, this piece contains spoken and manipulated text. (Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition/sound performance, greg white, computer performance) | 2008.
SnowTalking, by Hazel Smith (text) and Roger Dean (composition) (Hazel Smith, text performance; Torbjorn Hultmark, trumpet; Roger Dean, EA composition realisation) | 2007 .
Hanging Betsy. A short sound piece published on the Meapsoft site, and related to our radio piece for the ABC, The Afterlives of Betsy Scott.
( Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition) Piece info. | 2007 .
Live Music, Dead Bodies by Hazel Smith (2007 performance) ( Jenny Vuletic, text performance; Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean with austraLYSIS, composition) | 2007 .
Mid-Air Conversations, by Hazel Smith, Roger Dean, Greg White *
four-channel audio*. This piece was written for the Cultural Studies Association of Australia 'UnAustralia' conference (2006), and published on its web site. It was also released by PennSound (USA), the major archive of text-related performance work. The piece is composed in quad (Wav file, four discrete channels), so adjust your system, and
wait for the large file to preload!
Here is info on multichannel audio in the browser: not all browsers will play it (correctly).
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean/Greg White, composition/sound performance) | 2006.
Mid-Air Conversations, by Hazel Smith, Roger Dean, Greg White *
compressed four-channel audio*. This piece was written for the Cultural Studies Association of Australia 'UnAustralia' conference (2006), and published on its web site. It was also released by PennSound (USA), the major archive of text-related performance work. The piece is composed in quad (Wav file, four discrete channels), so adjust your system, and
wait for the large file to preload! It is mp4 4Channel compressed audio,
here is info on multichannel audio in the browser: not all browsers will play it (correctly).
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean/Greg White, composition/sound performance) | 2006.
Time The Magician, a video-text-sound work (by Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition, image) | 2005
The Space of HIstory, a text and sound work (by Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition. Originally published in the CDRom with Hazel's Book, The Erotics of Geography. The piece is the second on the linked page. The first, Mid-Air Conversations, has yet to be updated to HTML5 there and is best viewed/heard from one of the two links immediately above this on this austraLYSIS site. ) | 2004
The poetics of uncertainty, by Hazel Smith (2004) (Text and performance by Smith. Previously published in the CDRom with her volume The Erotics of Geography (2008) | 2004.
the writer the performer the program the madwoman (a text performance piece by Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition) | 2004
Minimal (Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition) | 2002
The Erotics of Gossip, by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean (2001) (Commissioned and produced by Andrew McLennan, for the ABC's Listening Room program. Actors: Rachael Blake, Brandon Burke, Judy Nunn, Jenny Vuletic and William Zappa. Text performer: hazel Smith. Sound performer: Roger Dean. Sound Engineer: Andrei Shabunov. Previously published in the CDRom with her 2008 volume The Erotics of Geography | 2001.
Returning the Angles, by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean (1998) (Text by Smith, sound performance and programming by Dean. This is the interactive performance version of the image (see programme note link below for more information, and a non-interactive performance is above). Produced by Andrew McLennan and commissioned by the ABC's Listening Room programme of radio art, and for many years available on the ABC site; the multimedia version is also on this austraLYSIS site within the 'new media' section. Audio also on that of the Jacket journal. | 1998.
Programme note; Complete Text here.
Placing the Secrets, by Hazel Smith and austraLYSIS (1997) (Text and text performance by Smith; sound by Sandy Evans, soprano sax, and Roger Dean, double bass. Sound projection: Greg White. Live at Performance Space, Sydney | 1997.
Pulling the Tides, by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean (1997) (Text and text performance by Smith; sound by Dean. Previously published in the CDRom with her volume The Erotics of Geography (2008) | 2004.
Secret Places, a text by Hazel Smith
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, from an installation piece with Sieglinde Karl and Ron Nagorcka (brochure is here)) | 1997
The Musecal Detective by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean (Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, sound) | 1995 Written in 1995, this is a parodic inversion of the normal detective story genre. The piece employs multiple crimes which are superimposed upon each other, and the roles of writer, detective and murderer are deliberately blurred. The Musecal Detective also subverts the linear structure and dénouement of the classic detective story. Instead it utilises musical structures of variation, repetition, simultaneity and rhythmic propulsion, creating the further fusion between muse and music suggested by the title.
Silent Waves by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean
(Hazel Smith, text/text performance, Roger Dean, composition, keyboards; Sandy Evans, soprano saxophone) | 1992 This 1991 composition (recorded 1992) references Miles Davis' "Shh/Peaceful", from the CBS album "In a Silent Way". It addresses ecosophical concerns, while challenging the rhythmic basis of groove. you can view the
score of the composition.
TranceFIGUREd Spirit (performed 1990) (installation by Sieglinde Karl-Spence; music/text: Hazel Smith; movement:Graham Jones; percussion: Roger Dean, video: David Male. Duration: 24') | 1990)