LowHz : ambient immersive violent noise

LowHz is an occasional laptop sound group, live or virtual, with MAX/MSP processing creating an intense soundworld for immersive participation. Some of its work has been released on a cd accompanying Roger Dean's book 'Hyperimprovisation....' (A-R Editions, USA, 2003).

Some early live performances :

April 16, 2003: at the Second Bimbimbie Sound Event, University of Canberra, ACT, Australia.

December 2001 at the austraLYSIS SOUNDVISION Week at performance space, Sydney.

February 22, 2001, Roger Dean (laptop) with Tom Fryer (guitar and processing), at the What is Music? festival, Sydney.

Saturday November 18, 2000, as part of austraLYSIS' Sonic Cross Dressing, at performance space, Redfern (19.00, free), with guest Martin Ng.


More tracks are available for commercial release : contact
LowHz, c/o dr.metagroove@mindless.com.